Jesstior BEAUTES CANDYouth

Jesstior BEAUTES CANDYouth
4 Sold
Ipoint 4,600.00

Subject to change
*Delivered 7-14Days*

Items ordered from abroad need to wait for 1 month to receive

*Please Take A Noted*
To : Dear customer,

1. once you receive the goods, *please use your mobile phone to record the video as soon as possible*, in case we can claim the reason from the merchant .

2. If you haven't made any top-up within a month , and you wish to convert all your remaining i-point into items , you will need to make 3 top-up trancations in order to exchange them for items in the Crown2u Mall

3. any item purchased from our online store is eligible for refund or exchange within a period of 3 day , once this timeframe has passed , our company does not allow any further exchanges of refunds thank for understanding




新时代女性要活得美丽真实,无论在那一个年龄阶段都得爱自己,切记紧守着3个“养”:修养、涵养与保养!外貌出众的女人却 思想落后,思维停滞不前和谈吐举止失态,已经严重扣分了,然而不懂得保养才最可悲 以3“养”为引,BEAUTES CANDYouth全新推出胶原美白片糖,绝对符合新时代女性的需求!

简单轻盈的糖果设计紧贴潮流,与 时并进同时方便携带;没有麻烦狼狈的食用步骤,让你随时随地都能优雅地保养,突显你的超凡仪态修养。

有知识涵养的女人只会挑选最好的保养产品。BEAUTES CANDYouth胶原美白片糖,来自意大利精研配方,沿用上乘的专利成份 研制而成,决不马虎敷衍。每一个成份都是精挑细选,经过多翻配搭方能成功复合出“完美4效”,能够天然滋润美白肌肤,并防 止紫外线的侵害、双A高度抗氧和非一般的补水功能势要你的肌肤娇嫩、白里透红,散发着自然耀眼的光芒,做个3“养”具备的新

Today’s women seek beauty that is far beyond skin deep. In the pursuit of true beauty, regardless of our age, it is important live by three disciplines: self-care, self-control an d self-preservation. A woman can be extremely beautiful on the outside, but it would all mean nothing if she is ugly on the inside – should she lack manners, empathy, respect, or intellect.

BEAUTES CANDYouth is proud to present the all-new Whitening Col lagen Candy, a product developed based on the three disciplines, to meet the needs of modern women who se ek true beauty. Designed to be simple, compact and convenient, the Whitening Collagen Candy lets you s hine and remain poised as you confidently

express your true beauty through your personality, manners and etiquette anytime, anywhere. An intelligent woman knows the value of quality, especially whe n it comes to choosing the ideal beauty and personal care products. That is why at BEAUTES CANDYouth, we ha ve gone to great lengths to ensure that our products are effective, safe and of the highest possible qualit y.

Made with superior, patent-protected ingredients from trusted s ources, the Whitening Collagen Candy was created from groundbreaking Italian formulas. The result is a p roduct that offers the “4 Effects of Perfection” on your skin: whitening, moisturizing, UV protection and resistanc e to oxidation. Get ready to be amazed by the results as your skin becomes fairer, smoother, suppler and natu rally radiant. It’s time you embraced the three disciplines and achieve a new era of true beauty!






将1片放入口中,慢慢使其完全溶解。每天服用1-2片。Take 1 tablet and slowly allow it to fullydissolve. Take 1-2 tablets a day.


• 未成年人士
Under 18 years old
• 怀孕
• 病患者
Patients with disease / health condition


• 病患者用药和怀孕的女士
Patients under medication and pregnant
women should consult doctor before
• 不要超过规定的剂量
Do not exceed the prescribed dose
• 如症状不适持续,请向医生咨询
If the symptoms persist, please consult a
• 一天至少2000ML的水和平衡的饮食
Drink at least 2000 ML of water a day and
a balanced diet are essential


Store in cool and dry place. Prevent
direct sunlight exposure. Keep out of
reach of children.


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