The Chosen One

The Chosen One
-5 Sold
Ipoint 700.00
( English )
Purchase our movie tickets to enjoy captivating films while indulging in a selection of carefully curated snacks.

*Please Take A Noted*
To : Dear customer,

If you haven't made any top-up within a month , and you wish to convert all your remaining i-point into items , you will need to make 3 top-up trancations in order to exchange them for items in the Crown2u Mall

( 中文 )


如果您在一个月内没有进行任何充值,并且您希望将所有剩余的 i-point 兑换成物品,则需要进行 3 次充值交易才能在 Crown2u Mall 中兑换物品

"Due to limited ticket availability, our company only allows each player to exchange a maximum of two tickets per month."

Notivecation : 
- 尊敬的Crown2u玩家,

如果在我们的Crown2u Mall 未找到您想要观看的电影,欢迎联系客服并提供您想要观看的电影。我们将帮助您在GSC电影网站购买所需电影。


-Dear Crown2u player,    
If you can't find the movie you want to watch on our Crow2u mall, please contact us and provide the movie name . Customer Services will assist you to purchasing the desired movie on the GSC movie website.    
Thank you for your support.

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